MESH Experience Blog

UK Retail Banking Corona Insights Week End 10 Jul 2020

Written by Mark Thompson | 7/11/20 4:28 PM

We aim to help marketers offer the best customer experience they can and continue to build their brand equity during this time of crisis.This week's themes are:  Advertising Again – Branches Back – Cooperative Conversations

In the last couple of weeks, some clients have reported a reduction in COVID crisis meetings and a focus on the longer-term economic recession.  In response to this new phase we are excited to provide access to an online dashboard so that banks can view the trended data for themselves.

The dashboard is a beta version, so we welcome feedback.  One feature to point out is the ability to click on data points to view the underlying comments for the experiences, so if response to advertising is positive, you can click to see what people are saying about it.

Advertising Again

This week advertising reach increases again, having fallen over the past month.  Barclays is reaching more people through TV, social media and radio, with its “Life Skills” and fraud messaging, which are working well across channels.  Starling is back out with its flying shed ad on TV and there is positive engagement on social due to its travel capabilities. “I was impressed that they offered a multi-currency account which offered no fees for taking out cash abroad.” Starling I Social Media I Very Positive I Much more likely to Choose I Very Relevant.

Branches Back

The percentage of people reporting a branch experience (anything from seeing to entering a branch) has increased to almost pre-COVID levels, as more people are out and about.  In contrast email reach has dropped this week.  People are responding well to seeing banks take the necessary precautions in branch to protect customers.

Cooperative Conversations

Despite worry about the pandemic remaining relatively high and a slight drop in the number of people saying banks are doing enough (64% this week v 66% last week), we are seeing conversations increase, mostly positive.  Whilst people talk about Barclays’ interest rate, ISA and savings accounts, the Co-operative bank is recommended due to its online bank “Smile” and overall brand ethics.

In summary

  • Advertising reach picks up and Starling is back on air
  • Branch reach is almost at pre-COVID levels
  • Positive buzz increases.


Mark Thompson, Experience Director & Kaat Defreyne, Senior Experience Executive